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Vaportite Model 2800 - case of 12 Case of 43.5" VAPORTITE seals. 12 in a case. Once in place, Vaportite completely blocks liquids or gas from the sewer system. Vaportite is constructed of sturdy, heave-gauge PVC.

Vaportite Model 2800 - case of 12

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$ 1299.00

Case of 43.5" VAPORTITE seals. 12 in a case. Once in place, Vaportite completely blocks liquids or gas from the sewer system. Vaportite is constructed of sturdy, heave-gauge PVC.

Product Detail:

Vaportite Model 2800 - For larger openings, the Model 2800 accommodates a 32 inches square or 36 inches round sewer opening.
Specifications: Width - 43.5 inches hexagon
Height -  4.5 inches

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